Prof. Dr. Katharina Zimmermann

Biochemie, Immunologie, Molekulare Pharmakologie
Katharina Zimmermann


+49 (0)7351-582-498
+49 (0)7351-582-469


Haus PBT

Hubertus-Liebrecht-Str. 35
88400 Biberach

Weitere Informationen zu meiner Person und meinen Publikationen finden Sie auf ResearchGate, Google Scholar und ORCiD



Studium der Biochemie und Chemie, Promotion in Pharmakologie (Universität Frankfurt)

Stationen: Wissentschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Universität Heidelberg), Post-Doc (Sanofi-Aventis/Frankreich), Juniorgruppenleiterin (Inserm/Frankreich), Scientist (Boehringer-Ingelheim), Professorin an der Hochschule Biberach seit 2010.

Außerdem: Medical Writing (freiberuflich) und klinische Forschung (Quintiles Transnational GmbH)

zusätzliche Qualifikationen/ Fachzertifikate:

Beauftragte für Biologische Sicherheit (nach §§ 15 und 17 GenTSV)

Ausnahmegenehmigung und Kurs für tierexperimentelles Arbeiten (FELASA)

Zertifikate in ‘basic and clinical epidemiology’ (German Society of Epidemiology)

Gutachtertätigkeiten für peer-reviewed Zeitschriften:

Neurobiology of aging
Genes, Brain and Behavior
Behavioural Brain Research
Free radical biology & medicine
Cell and tissue research
Pediatric research


Anmerkung: Alle Publikationen sind unter dem Geburtsnamen Schindowski erschienen.

Link Pubmed:[Author]

Beiträge in internationalen Zeitschriften mit Peer Review (ISI-Journals)

Original articles

20. BAELARBI K, BURNOUF S, FERNANDEZ-GOMEZ FJ, DESMERCIERES J, TROQUIER L, BROULLIETTE J, TSAMBOU L, GROSJEAN ME, CAILLIERZ R, DEMEYER D, HAMDAME M, SCHINDOWSKI K, BLUM D, BUEE L (2011) . Loss of medial septum cholinergic neurons in THY-Tau22 mouse model: what links with tau pathology? Curr Alzheimer Res. 8, 633-8

19. SCHINDOWSKI K, VON BOHLEN UND HALBACH O, STRELAU J, RIDDER DA, HERRMANN O, SCHOBER A, SCHANINGER M, UNSICKER K (2011). Regulation of GDF-15, a distant TGF-β superfamily member, in a mouse model of cerebral ischemia. Cell Tissue Res. 343, 399-409

18. BELARBI K§, SCHINDOWSKI K§, BURNOUF S, CAILLIEREZ R, GROSJEAN ME, DEMEYER D, HAMDANE M, SERGEANT N, BLUM D, BUÉE L. (2009). Early Tau pathology involving the septo-hippocampal pathway in a Tau transgenic model: relevance to Alzheimer’s disease. Curr Alzheimer Res 6, 152-7 (§authors contributed equally).

17. SCHINDOWSKI K, BELARBI K, BRETTEVILLE A, ANDO K, BEGARD S, HAMDANE M, BUÉE L (2008). Neurogenesis and cell-cycle-reactivated neuronal death during pathogenic tau-aggregation. Genes, Brain and Behavior Suppl 1, 92-100.

16. SCHINDOWSKI K, PETERS J, GORRIZ C, SCHRAMM U, WEINANDI T, MAURER K, FRÖLICH L, ECKERT A, MÜLLER WE. (2007). Increased T cell reactivity and elevated levels of CD8+ memory T cells in Alzheimer's disease-patients and T-cell hyporeactivity in an Alzheimer's disease-mouse model: Implications for immunotherapy. Neuromolecular Med 9, 340-54.

15. KRAUSE S, SCHINDOWSKI K, ZECHEL S, VON BOHLEN UND HALBACH O. (2007). Expression of TrkB and TrkC receptors and their ligands Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Neuro-trophin 3 in the murine amygdala. Journal of Neuroscience Research 86, 411-21.

14. LEROY K, BRETTEVILLE A, SCHINDOWSKI K, GILISSEN E, AUTHELET E, DE DECKER R, YILMAZ Z, BUÉE L, BRION JP (2007). Severe central and peripheral axonopathy, motor neuron disease and neurofibrillary tangles without neuronal loss in a mutant tau transgenic mice. Am J Pathol 171, 976-92.

13. SCHINDOWSKI K, PETERS J, GORRIZ C, SCHRAMM U, WEINANDI T, LEUTNER S, MAURER K, FRÖLICH L, MÜLLER WE, ECKERT A. (2006). Apoptosis of CD4+ T and Natural Killer cells in Alz-heimer’s disease. Pharmacopsychiatry 39, 220-228.

12. SCHINDOWSKI K, BRETTEVILLE A, LEROY K, BÉGARD S, BRION JP, HAMDANE M, BUÉE L. (2006). Alzheimer disease-like tau neuropathology leads to memory deficits and loss of functional sy-napses in a novel mutated tau transgenic mouse without any motor deficits. Am J Pathol 169, 599-616

11. LEUTNER S, SCHINDOWSKI K, FRÖLICH L, MAURER K, KRATZSCH T, ECKERT A, MÜLLER WE. (2005). Enhanced ROS-generation in lymphocytes from Alzheimer's patients. Pharmacopsy-chiatry. 38, 312-315.

10. HAMDANE M, BRETTEVILLE A, SAMBO AV, SCHINDOWSKI K, BÉGARD S, DELACOURTE A, BERTRAND P, BUÉE L. (2005). p25/Cdk5-mediated retinoblastoma phosphorylation is an early event in neuronal cell death. J Cell Sci 118, 1291-1298.

9. KIPRIANOVA I§, SCHINDOWSKI K§, VON BOHLEN UND HALBACH O, KRAUSE S, DONO R, SCHWANINGER M, UNSICKER K. (2004). Enlarged infarct volume and loss of BDNF mRNA induc-tion following brain ischemia in mice lacking FGF-2. Exp Neurol 189, 252-260 (§authors con-tributed equally).

8. SCHINDOWSKI K, KRATZSCH T, PETERS J, STEINER B, LEUTNER S, TOUCHET N, MAURER K, CZECH C, PRADIER L, FRÖLICH L, MÜLLER WE, ECKERT A. (2003). Impact of aging: sporadic, and gene-tic risk factors on vulnerability to apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease. Neuromolecular Med 4, 161-178.

7. ECKERT A, KEIL U, KRESSMANN S, SCHINDOWSKI K, LEUTNER S, LEUTZ S, MÜLLER WE. (2003). Effects of EGb 761 Ginkgo biloba extract on mitochondrial function and oxidative stress. Pharmacopsychiatry 36 Suppl 1, S15-23.

6. SCHINDOWSKI K, FRÖHLICH L, MAURER K, MÜLLER WE, ECKERT A. (2002). Age-related impair-ment of human T lymphocytes' activation: specific differences between CD4(+) and CD8(+) subsets. Mech Ageing Dev 123, 375-390.

5. SCHINDOWSKI K, LEUTNER S, KRESSMANN S, ECKERT A, MÜLLER WE. (2001). Age-related in-crease of oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in mice prevention by Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb761). J Neural Transm 108, 969-978.

4. ECKERT A, SCHINDOWSKI K, LEUTNER S, LUCKHAUS C, TOUCHET N, CZECH C, MÜLLER WE (2001). Alzheimer's disease-like alterations in peripheral cells from presenilin-1 transgenic mi-ce. Neurobiol Dis 8, 331-342.

3. SCHINDOWSKI K, LEUTNER S, MÜLLER WE, ECKERT A (2000). Age-related changes of apoptotic cell death in human lymphocytes. Neurobiol Aging 21, 661-670.

2. LEUTNER S, CZECH C, SCHINDOWSKI K, TOUCHET N, ECKERT A, MÜLLER WE (2000). Reduced antioxidant enzyme activity in brains of mice transgenic for human presenilin-1 with single or multiple mutations. Neurosci Lett 292, 87-90.

1. PITZER C, SCHINDOWSKI K, POMER S, WIRTH T, ZÖLLER M (1999). In vivo manipulation of inter-leukin-2 expression by a retroviral tetracycline (tet)-regulated system. Cancer Gene Ther 6, 139-146.

Review articles

5. MAVOUNGOU C, SCHINDOWSKI K (2013). “Immunotherapy with anti-Amyloid-beta antibodies in Alzheimer's disease: a critical review on the molecules in the pipelines with regulatory considerations,” in Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders, Vol.

4. MORETH J, MAVOUNGOU C AND SCHINDOWSKI K (2013) Is abeta a sufficient biomarker for monitoring anti-abeta clinical studies? A critical review. Front. Aging Neurosci. 5:25.

3. MAVOUNGOU C and SCHINDOWSKI K (2012). Immunotherapy with anti-Aβ monoclonal antibodies in Alzheimer’s disease: A critical review on the molecules in the pipelines with regulatory considerations (submitted)

2. SCHINDOWSKI K, BELARBI K, BUÉE L. (2008). Neurotrophic factors in Alzheimer’s disease: Role of axonal transport. Genes, Brain and Behavior Suppl 1, 43-56.

1. LEUNER K, PANTEL J, FREY C, SCHINDOWSKI K, SCHULZ K, WEGAT T, MAURER K, ECKERT A, MÜLLER WE (2007). Enhanced apoptosis, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in lymphocytes as potential biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease. J Neural Transm Suppl. 72, 207-15.